Friday, July 23, 2021

Flotsam-PSA's of the dead celebrity kind....

This exhibit has a theme, continuing the Public Service message even after the celebrity has passed. I suppose it's a bit morbid, but the message is still valid, albeit a bit dated and fun nostalgia at the very least. Here's 3 celebrities that i'd be surprised you didn't know who they are if you are a certain age...

Frank Sinatra turned this PSA for Easter seals in 1976

Johnny Cash about Stop Smoking for the Seventh Day Adventists (date unknown)

Finally John Candy for the Canadian Wildlife Federation

Enjoy, Until the Next Exhibit

Sunday, April 11, 2021

MMMMMMMMMAX HEAD ROOOOOOOMMMMMMMM and 80s advertising Megaforce!

It's time for an exhibit of Commerical Flotsam...from the 80s.

Undeniably, Max Headroom (as portrayed by Canadian actor Matt Frewer) has to be an iconic symbol of the 1980s that lasted beyond the short lived Max Headroom TV series about Network 23. The whole bad stutter and what amounts to primitive graphic of the 80s on what the future would look like makes me think of a slightly simpler time.

Does it make me think about Coke? well not really. Still, Max was HOT circa 1987, and appealing to the young and if anything is a perfect vehicle for Coke, was Max Headroom.

It was a advertising marriage made in heaven you could probably say.

These two radio spots from that year remind you when max is new, stuttering with a artificial looking computer image was cool and you just wanted to "catch the wave" of hype that was the soft drink's slogan for that era.

Funny though, just coming off the new taste of coke, drinking trhe old taste of coke, I don't remember buying into the hype myself, but I just drank the product, but Max Headroom was still fun and decades later, it still is.


Coca Cola Ltd Max Headroom "Good Taste" # 87-72-30
McCann Erickson Advertising June 4th 1987


Coca Cola Ltd Max Headroom "Classroom" # 87-330-30
McCann Erickson Advertising June 18th 1987