Sunday, May 26, 2024

All Good Things.....30 years later.....

It's been 30 years since the final 2 hour episode of Star Trek The Next Generation titled "All Good Things..." and the juggernaut that is probably the most successful science fiction franchise in history just keeps on going with one series wrapping up this month (Discovery) and another wrapping up production of season 3 (Strange New Worlds) in Toronto. It's technically been 60 years this year since the production of the first pilot "The Cage" in late 1964, with the series being 58 years old. The franchise has taken breaks periodically, but still has legions of fans intense about it's message and beliefs for a better world then exists today.

This little nugget was saved by me in 1994 when the local TV station would periodically buy time (or was it barter?) to promote various programs. Often it was news shows, but in this case it was a big deal. After 7 years, the show was ending and it was good to promote it. Paramount had the audio promos produced no doubt for this reason, to cross promote each ep on radio. Shipped on a reel to TV stations, it was tagged by a local announcer.

Sadly the 30 sec promo was lost, but the 60 sec remains and WOW, a lot is going on, but still very listenable. Voice by the king of the movie trailer's himself Don Lafontaine, it was slickly produced and after having it for so long, it's time to share here. The TV station slapped a local TV station label on the box, but I managed to get off a lot of the label to see it was marked for wiping before the spot was sent to the radio station. A dang shame

Enjoy what we have here though.

Star Trek The Next Generation EP 747 "All Good Things".... :60 audio promo with slate


1 comment:

  1. I'm old enough to remember this first airing. :( What am I saying, I remember the show premiering... Thanks for saving this tiny bit of history.
