Yesterday's radio commercials and related jingles are disposable flotsam and jetsam. Often rescued from the dumpster and tape eraser, here's where they live to celebrate another day, and give us a peek into the pop culture of the past. All material has been sourced from tapes or vinyl discs (records) used on the air at radio stations or dubs of said tapes, transferred for pristine quality when possible.
Another randomly picked LP from the pepper/tanner collection of albums I received awhile back. Some of this stuff is in such great shape I wonder if it was ever used. It really follows the belief of the jetsam, to help preserve the material that would have been lost and live for another day, or use.
With this bunch in particular, you can really let the imagination run wild, as some of these jingles can be uset up to be taken out of context. "Hey Pretty Girl" and "We Do" in particular stick out as a couple, that, well, have "possibilities depending on how creative you are, but hey, if you just like jingles, you'll enjoy them too.
As previous posts have done, side 1 and side 2 of the album are separate mp3's with each side's jingles. See the label scans for details.
Who would have thought when the soft drink was first sold at a pharmacy in Atlanta, Georgia in 1886 for 5 cents a glass that it would literally go on to take over the world for a century and a quarter so far? Makes you wonder what John Pemberton thought about the mixture back then.
For more details there is their WIKIPEDIA PAGE and for some info on their 125th celebratiions go HERE
Few products have stood the test of time in some many countries as Coca Cola.
Here at the jetsam, we cannot let this milestone be ignored. In the collection are various Coca Cola Jingles and commericals, from the mid 80s through to the 90s.In an exhibit in the early days of the blog we had some examples of the "New Coke" advertising in 1985 and the backlash that resulted in creating "coke classic". That page is HERE for your reference. The "New Coke" was eventually considered a failure, and disappeared at least here in canada, and "Coke Classic" eventually, once again, became "Coke".
But here, are some lesser known jingles and advertisting from the late 1980s, primarily from Canada, as...well, I am in Canada. I have also included though a US based 60 sec jingle that Whitney Houston (when she still cared about her career) sang for Coke in 1988 sourced off a network radio show program LP's. I'll let the titles and audio speak for themselves from this point.
Happy Birthday Coca Cola.
From March 1985,
Produced by Mccann Erickson Ltd.
:30 sec Full Sing "MOR-Piano" # 84-82-30