Yesterday's radio commercials and related jingles are disposable flotsam and jetsam. Often rescued from the dumpster and tape eraser, here's where they live to celebrate another day, and give us a peek into the pop culture of the past. All material has been sourced from tapes or vinyl discs (records) used on the air at radio stations or dubs of said tapes, transferred for pristine quality when possible.
You probably thought the Christmas Shopping Jingles was the end...
Let's wrap it up with one more Christmas disc from Lang Worth. I just obtained it in September with a load of discs sitting in a friends basement for years. The date is believed to be early-mid 1960s.
Some fun jingles, and classic christmas music beds, each :60, to enjoy for yourself. with the time getting closer to christmas, I didn't both cutting them into individual tracks, just an mp3 for each side. this might work for you for the music though.
Hope you enjoyed what comes down to our first "Jingle Christmas" here on the Jetsam.
Merry Christmas and have a Happy New Year and drop by again in early 2011.
we end the christmas shopping jingles from 1952 with the last side of 2 discs.
Just think, these almost ended up in the dumpster of a radio station I worked at for 16 years when they moved from studios for 48 years in one location! It was a mass exodus, and I loaded up the car (I was living at home at the time, and my mother didn't really love me dragging in some 300 16 inch musty smelling radio transcriptions in the place, but I did what I could, and the smell subsided!). Years later, the locally recorded acetate ones I saved were transferred for the local provincial archives to reel tape and kept by me for now. I got a few reel tapes also, but I won't go into it here. It's just funny how life works, especially with the technology that is called the internet can make it a reality to share this material that otherwise most people wouldn't have known to exist. Fascinating isn't it?
Why oh why does everything Christmas come "just in time for the holidays"? Like it was actually a coincidence, and months of planning had no factor in the remarkable timing? It's getting so bad you're having "pre boxing week" sales leading up to Christmas...but isn't that a pre christmas sale? The commericalism is getting more and more foolish and arrogant every year I expect someone to just yell on TV or radio "JUST GO OUT AND BUY A F***** GIFT FOR SOMEONE WHY DON'T YA?" Yes, really, I do expect it.
But, enough of the soapbox, and more of why you're here....
From the Mars Production Library, comes this disc of both jingles and accapella one liners to incorporate into local station productions. Not sure of the date, but I'm gonna guess mid-late 1960s. Just tag them with your stations announcer or logo.
What I found this christmas though, is when I was playing background music at a charity event off my laptop, I mixed these in for good measure. They might be fun for a Christmas CD compilation you can share with your friends or a get together to add a bit of spice to your music mix. Enjoy!
Ok...almost in the home stretch with the jingles, this is 3 of 4 parts to be posted. May you not have 5 months of bills after this years shopping trips are finally over...and that Walmart is open 24/7 in your area. It's far more fun to shop at 4 am then when everyone else is pushing through the aisles.
I'm unintentionally striving to be the epicenter of downloadable Lang Worth material online.
The Sleeve for this series of discs actually has a date stamped on it...Nov 1952, so it's safe to say these discs are from that year. Dated and campy sure, but we still are as intense about counting down the days to the end of Christmas Shopping as we were 58 years ago.
I'll post these jingles on a per side basis, as we get closer to the next grouping. These are actually individual files, mainly because I wanted to post them on facebook to try to drive my friends nuts by the annoying catchy jingle that's in the style of "99 bottles of beer on the wall". After the end of them, you might want to be locked up in a rubber room.
As I get ready to post some christmas jingles next's a spot from 20 years ago that is really one of my all time favorites. I remember playing this on the air and thinking WTF? No really! It's has a very "muppet labs" feel along with using a very old radio art that is lost today, Theatre of the Mind. A very memorable spot that I believe won an award in canada, but I cannot verify it. No actual jingle here, but hey, it's still fun to listen to.
From 1990, Wisk Laundry detergent
Produced by HYP & N/JWT
From Tape SI90-2555-1 (Sounds Interchange, Toronto)
Dave Stuckey dropped me a line last month saying he found the page looking for more info on Lang Worth Jingles. He says:
"Have you heard the Hucksters sales record? I found it somewhere here on the net - I think! -- and it's really great... I would love to hear unexpurgated versions!"
Thanks to Dave, I have downloaded it and posted it here for other people to get a grasp at the hucksters and airlifts that this company that seems virtually forgotten online seemed to have put out.
Time permitting, I will be posting some Christmas material, both jingles and beds from the Lang Worth Hucksters and Airlifts series in the very near future. While I don't have a many discs of this series, I enjoy sharing what I do have.
Until then...enjoy the demo. Thanks to my wife for creating the graphic from one of the rather plain record covers VERY quickly.
Lang Worth Radio Hucksters and Airlifts Demo Disc
Date Unknown
Your probably saying WTF on the title? Actually I thought that was a rather creative tease to make your read the rest, but don't worry I will now reveal.
Patrick Macnee has had an extraordinary career in stage film and television for over 60 years. One of the first times I saw him (at didn't know it at the time) was a bit part playing a young Jacob Marley in my favorite version of "The Christmas Carol" starring Alastair Sim in 1951. He would be more well known as "Steed" in "The Avengers" and "New Avengers" in the 1960s and 70s and many other guest star roles in film and TV.
Seems though, like many well known actors, he's taken to be spokesman or pitchman for a few bucks in between acting assignments. Unlike Orson Welles and the famous outtake where Orson walks out of the voiceover session because he's frustrated with the direction, Patrick does well, and it actually makes it to air.
Here is a 1988 radio spot, part of a TV campaign also (though you tube could not confirm my memories from the 80s) which Patrick plays a restauranteur who cannot compete with "Swiss Chalet" and their prices for 1/4 chicken dinners. It's very "unfair"(let's suspend reality for this spot, and no competing "restauranteur" would be foolish enough to whine about the competitions prices on THEIR commericals) a interesting direction to make the price point stand out.
Enjoy this no doubt rare spot that i'm sure isn't on Patrick Magnee's resume.
In Canada....People's is a well known chain of Jewelers, you could call them the Zales of Canada....literally, Zales bought them out years ago.
Before they did however, they produced some unique 80's Canadian sounding jingles (which makes sense, as hell, it was 1987!)
What do I mean by "80's Canadian"? some of the music in the late 80s in Canada seemed to have some kind of saxophone solo pop up somewhere in the song...not every song mind you, and not necessarily just songs, as we can attest here, but after awhile, as everything mushes together in my mind after listening to what seems to be a lot of songs and jingles in the 80s and what's left over that you remember from growing up as a teenager in that time? The saxophone stays with you.
This is one of the better produced jingles i've heard in the late 80s.
Peoples Jewellers "Diamonds" Full Sing :60 (1987)
(details on tape box pic above)
With halloween coming up, I thought I'd dig my favorite Halloween spot out from 1974. This was a national radio spot on a syndicated show called "The Superrock Special" hosted by Don Imus, likely an episode of a long forgotten radio series the radio legend did in his days at NBC. It's not a bad show, but the commericals are probably the most interesting thing on the reel of tape these days.
Personally, this spot still scares the hell out of me. Voiced by what it seems to be actor Percy Rodriguez (who also did the "jaws" trailers a year later) his haunting delivery alone sets the mood that only gets more dark and intense by the screams of Mercedes Mccambridge.
The funny thing is, I finally saw the movie 10 years ago and didn't think it was really scary at all, almost a comedy given some of the lines the devil in Regan gets to say. The radio spot all too frightening....shame the movie wasn't for me.
From 1974, Warner Bros. Pictures
The Exorcist
:60 sec
First off my apologies of not updating the jetsam more frequently. It's been a busy month, and I also do my weekly radio show/podcast and work on audio for my internet radio stream. I occasionally watch classic TV shows on DVD, take care of my 9 budgies and clean the house, hang out with the wife...well, you get the idea. It's been busy.
One of the issues with the jetsam is that posting a tape or a vinyl disc with a lot of cuts eats up time, often hours. You transfer the cuts, cut them up, name them, mp3 them, post them, create the links, write the details, and so on. In an effort to cut down on some of this time to make the posts more frequent, I shall put multiple cuts of one tape or disc side in one mp3 file and let you cut them up as you see fit. If you don't have a audio editor, may I suggest AUDACITY a great freeware program which will do the job nicely.
But on with The BIG Sound...
I couldn't find much about Richard H Ullman (the jingle producer) on google, in fact I couldn't find anything that really gives the history of the company, but the way I know it, They produced jingles for radio, both customized ones for radio stations (they produced a package called "Wonderful Cities" in the early 1960s that was used by many stations around the world) and obviously, as posted here, some generic off the rack stuff which can be customized for a local client
I confess, I find this stuff so campy it's fun and would love to hear it on the air today, if for no other reason but to spice up the rather homogenized sound of commerical radio. This stuff would stick out like a sore thumb, in a very good way.
Looking back at this Jingle for a chain of Canadian Bakeries which to my knowledge is not long out of business, it really can lean towards the naughty if your mind is occasionally in the gutter like me.
From The Early 1960s?, Open End Commerical Jingles
Produced by Richard H Ullman Inc, New York City, NY Disc # JOE-5-R
11 Cuts of Various Lengths
01-Real Estate
02-Grocery Store
03-Finance Company
07-Savings and Loan
08-Shop Downtown General
09-Shop Downtown-Xmas
11-Shopping Center
Two well known food brands with no real relation to each other, except showing up in this post on the Jetsam. I'm sure I wouldn't recommend each both at the same time, but i'm guessing eating worse things at the same time has happened over the years, so by all means if you have a hankering to do so, go for it. Just don't tell me about it, OK?
We start with Nabisco's Cream Of Wheat, a breakfast cereal around for decades, actually more like centuries, as it's creation dates back to 1893 in Grand Forks, North Dakota. It's the next best thing to oatmeal on those cold days where you want something warm to stick to your insides, or maybe you prefer it to oatmeal? Either way, we fast forward to January 1965 with these spots produced for a particular type of day voiced by a well known actor of the time, Mason Adams.
Mason's voice did quite a few of Madison Avenues TV and Radio commerical offerings through the 60's and 70s. He would also do on camera roles as a character actor, the most famous likely was managing editor Charles Hume on the TV series "Lou Grant" His wiki entry is HERE
These spots hold up very well for being over 45 years old. That's sometimes the power of good basic copywriting and a strong delivery by the VO actor
From 1965, National Biscuit Co (Nabisco) Cream Of Wheat
Produced by Ted Bates & Co, NY, NY
:55 second Radio Announcements
This reel of tape was mixed amongst another pile of reels, so I slapped it on the machine, and next thing I know, I find a 1970s sounding Mcdonalds spot. Well, I think it's safe to say it's 1970s, probably early 1970s, with the "You Deserve A Break Today" jingle singing out the spot. I can't confirm the VO voice, but it really sounds like Canadian Keith Hampshire, who we've mentioned on the Jetsam before, and had a couple records out around this time. he sings and does voice overs for TV and radio...busy guy! Apologies that the quality isn't the greatest, but given I stumbled on this spot that should have been long ago erased, I think we can overlook that a bit, doncha think?
For future posts, I am going to rotate between radio commercial jingles and "Off the Rack" generic jingles (at least until the lawyers come after me for posting copyrighted "dated " material that is outdated and has little value other then talking about it and nostalgic reasons for the hard cores fanatics like myself) Yeah, this is worth spending big bucks on a lawyer for isn't it? PUHLEASE! I'm broke, I make no money from this venture...if you have a problem with this stuff please email me.
We Get Letters...
Speaking of email, I love hearing from people who have comments or requests. I've received two emails so far from people who have tripped across The Jingle Jetsam. One is from a guy in BC who actually runs a jingle company. He found my first post online about "Bunsmaster" Bakeries. Apparently there's a company in BC who still owns the name and was looking to get a jingle produced similar to the original from the 80's but he had no reference and "Googling" came across the Jetsam. Well, now he has heard the original jingle.
I also received a letter from someone in Montreal who is a fan of classic radio and enjoyed the Lang Worth post of 50's generic jingles. He also says interesting things about "Cheeze Pleeze" (time for a shameless plug - that's my online podcast/syndicated show dedicated to cheezy music... there is a link on the blog for the Facebook group). He was comparing the male character Snarfdude to Classic top 40 DJ's Dick Biondi and Joey Reynolds... really? Geesh, I know SD sounds like he drinks too much Red Bull, but I never thought it was to that level..... thanks..... I think.....
Right Off the Rack...
This leads me into thinking would Dick or Joey use the following posted jingles in their day? Possibly.
The Pepper Creative Library Sales Service was a series of generic jingles and sound effects for local radio stations for everything from clients who ran drive ins, car washes, supermarkets... you get the idea... to station promo material. Like anything else with "Off The Rack" intent, the lyrics are generic, nothing specific and then the announcer comes on with local client customized copy. Big important sound, low price for the client.
Over the years, the name changed from Pepper to Pepper/Tanner to Tanner, then eventually TM and these days likely Jones TM (love these corporate mergers!) but like anything dated at a radio station, it often meets the dumpster far sooner then it really should, and we're left with the memory and not much else. But wait, there's a bit of a happy ending.
Thanks to a ex-radio station former co-worker who kept a few boxes of these LP's in his basement for decades we have some excellent examples for the Jetsam.
I'll post more eventually, but let's start off with a sample of the Pepper material I have with 2 full LP offerings of mainly station promo material - it falls into the catagory of "I can't believe someone aired that". Well, just goes to show you how times really have changed in the last 50 years. Maybe this is what the late Bill Drake, the co-creator of the "Boss Radio" Format in the late 1960s meant when he said he "cleaned up radio" - way to long jingles that sounded great, but took a bit too long to get where they were going. Who knows. It's all about camp these days, so enjoy!
...and it wasn't at the Kalamazoo Burger King... a UFO... or anything else the Weekly World News came up with in the 1980's.
He was hangin' out at a Canadian post office.
Can you think of any other reason why a Canadian Crown Corporation (aka serious government agency) would use the American icons' hit song to promote their efforts to get Canadians to put the right postage on their love letters?
Ok, let's see - the 1960's were the "oldies" of the 1980's, that helps (I guess they weren't targeting teens for this jingle even then they didn't use snail mail!) Elvis still had momentum in the early and late 1960's and his death in the late 70's was still fresh in people's minds.
"Return to Sender" is from the 1962 movie "Girls Girls Girls" and hits of the 60's were used a lot in 80's advertising. It's catchy, it talks about exactly what Canada Post want to focus on... return to sender for incorrect postage. Sure, makes perfect sense.
Still, something just doesn't seem right. Case in point, my home province of Nova Scotia's tourism department got dragged through the mud by the public a few years ago for using the Jesus Jones song "Right Here, Right Now" in their campaigns for one year - people were saying we should have used a home grown artist and song to promote the province. Maybe that's why this jingle doesn't sit well with me.
Maybe I'm putting too much thought into this, and I should take it for what's worth, a fun, slightly foolish and catchy take on getting those Canucks to slap on the right postage so those posties won't have to do more work then they have to. It's been 25 years this September, I wonder if their efforts ever paid off?
From 1985, Canada Post Post Office "Return To Sender" # CAN-R60-2229
Produced by McKim Advertising Limited
Reel From Panfor Dubbing Ltd Toronto
This is the first in what hopes to be a large number of posts of "off the rack" jingles that have been produced over the years. Off the Rack jingles can be compared to clothing, sometimes you have it custom made, sometimes you just buy it "off the rack". Most of the time jingles are custom produced or custom sung to a package, but some of the stuff you hear is totally generic for a reason, so anyone can use it at almost any time.
Little seems to be found online for Lang Worth Feature Programs Inc, but suffice it to say they were a service which supplied jingles, feature programs and even music to radio stations in the 1930s 40s and 50s. Lang Worth was one of several, NBC Thesaurus, World Broadcasting System, Standard Broadcast Library, all provided necessary elements to enhance local radio stations of the time, as this was before record companies realized the value of supplying free promotional records to radio. Material was delivered on 16 inch radio transcription discs, or smaller, and often discarded after time. Fortunately, someone left a few in a radio station attic (among a few 100 odd 16 radio transcript discs) in the 1980s and this is how I came across them.
From 1957, we have some "Radio Hucksters" from Lang Worth. These jingles could be used to wrap around live or recorded commerical copy to enhance the spot. Campy now, but not back then......enjoy!
From 1957, Radio Hucksters
Produced by Lang Worth Feature Programs
...about a happy jingle about store selling adult entertainment. I mean, it's not something you brag to friends. in amongst the sport scores can you imagine saying "..did you check out the latest ron jeremy video down at"....or maybe "wow that buns of europe video is hot down at.."???? Really!
Still, this seems an effort to make "adults only" a mainstream, nowhere as seedy as you expect these places to be, type of image for the stores. With lyrics like "...where you feel so right at home.." it really puts an interesting picture in my head of guys with trenches coats walking around the store can get your own seedy picture in your head. To me, it's just a bad idea.
It's a bad idea that has a bit of entertainment value...enjoy!
Date and Producer Unknown
"Adults Only" Video Stores
:30 Full Sing.
This LP cover in a window in a record store I stumbled on in Portland Maine on vacation in May when it was closed made me itch to visit the store when it was open. I was determined to buy this record. why? come on. The title made me fall in love at first site. Like some curvy young female with lots of T and A to a record collector with a love for the odd and not so common, even unusual, it was like finding the holy grail. OK, maybe not exactly the holy grail, but close to it. Fortunately, I left the store some $50 poorer but with some great finds I would never have found if it weren't for this record. Cool eh? well I think so.
From 1971, one can only wonder why there records were pressed, as the label says "not for broadcast" but I can't think of a better purpose then promotion. It's not something I'd play over and over on the console stereo in mom and dads rec room as me and my friends sit down and eat a oscar meyer weiner that mom cooked up for lunch. Still, it gives an idea of diversity that marketing will go to to get their product out to as many people as possible. enjoy.
Oscar Meyer Jingles (1971)
Agency: J Walter Thompson Company
"Six Wild ways to say-I'd Love to be an Oscar Meyer Weiner"
It's been a bit busy for me travelling of late, what with the trip to maine and last weekend to Charlottetown PEI last weekend, but back on track to add some material to the blog!
I was cleaning out the "library" in the basement when I found this tape. Most people have books, I have vinyl records, and cassettes and reel to reel tapes from the last 50 odd years. It's my own personal museum of audio I suppose.
Anyway, this seems to be a demo reel from an advertising agency, jingle production company or something in between. From the sound of the jingles on the tape, I would put it between mid to late 1960s. What's kind of funny about this tape is the lack of quality for the guy doing the narration. I can really picture him in some high priced office with not a lot of furniture taking breaks between reading the copy and flipping the pause control on the reel tape recorder (which you can hear by the way!) to get it to sound like he intended. I guess a recording studio was a little too expensive to record for the narration?
In any event, it's a great basic explanation of how jingles and advertising work for a business that still holds up to this day, and the delightfully dated jingles (both within the narration and after the end of the presentation) make it worth a spot here on the jetsam.
1960s Jingle Company Demo...(runs 14:37) (MONO)
Company is Unknown.
It's been a bit since I posted some spots, for a variety of reasons, one of was a trip to the good ole USA. I lucked out at a record store with some strange and weird records (which I usually go for and often use on my weekly salute to the wacky warped and weird at but this site benefits here too, with some ET's. (or electrical transcriptions) of commericals of the 1960s.
The Term Electrical Transcription goes back to the late 1920s-early 30s method of recording radio programs ahead of time for air. Most went out live, but some did get recorded to a technology that failed to put sound to motion picture, but grew into the main format for recording for radio for decades. the 16 inch transcription disc was the father of the "LP" record perfected in 1948 by Columbia. The Transcription also played at 33 1/3, had a 15 min capacity on each side (LP's ran 15-20 minutes usually) and instead of using a "microgroove" stylus that the LP used, it used a 78 style needle. Keep in mind, this is all before tape was perfected by the Germans in the 1930s, adopted by the americans in the post world War II period of the late 1940s, and put into widespread use in the mid 1950s. Until Then the ET Ruled the radio airwaves with radio programs, recorded music, and also, commericals.
As the technology changed radio with the Broadcast Tape Cartridge in 1959 (the father of the 8 track, but that's another story!) so did the ET. it reduced to the equilvalent of the 12 inch LP record. It was still a practical way to get recorded material out to stations, be it full programs or commericals. Once it got to the station, it was often rerecorded to cartridge for actual air, and the disc put on the shelf and kept on hand until it was outdated. Eventually, reels of tape, then CDs and now mp3's would eventually replace the ET, but thanks to that format we have some material to post today on the jetsam. Over time, I will post all of the ET formatted spots I found in the US, but let's start off with one.
From 1966, an incredibly dated and influenced by the Folk craze of just a few years previous, comes this series of spots for Gerber Baby Foods, a company who's been around for at least since 1928, when the actual baby was introduced. Agghenanged as they are on the one sided disc:
Agency: D'Arcy Advertising Company, NYC
Gerber Products Company
Gerber Baby Foods
From ET # 2354
I can't help but wonder what ad agency came up with combining how much you can save by using Meineke's muffler and brake services with how you can live like "Life Styles of the Rich and Famous" host Robin Leach, or the wealthy people he profiles on his syndicated TV show from 1984-1995. For that matter, who convinced Robin's agent to do these so-so radio spots for Mieneke doing the famous line "you're not going to pay a lot for this muffer" with a guy who comes off like he lights cigars with 100 dollar bills? If the guy gave a flying F*** about the cost of pretty much anything is really not my idea of a great way to promote how you can save money by going to meineke, as we all know you're not going to save enough to go to dizzy world on vacation, but I suppose commericals tend have a bit of a license to embellish and exaggerate just a bit now don't they?
From 1992, here's 6, count em, 6 60 spots with Robin Leach proving he may sorta live like the Rich and Famous, but even if mufflers come a callin, Money talks.
Meineke Mufflers Feat. Robin Leach
Producer and Agency Unknown
(1) Family :60
(2) Fisherman :60
(3) Gourmands :60
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(1) Airplane GEN 1 :60
(2) Auction GEN 2 :60
From 1981, we have two full sing jingles for General Tire. some basic catchy lyrics assuming you'll buy general tires at some point because it sticks in your mind when you actually go shopping for tires (instead of looking for how cheap you can do it like the rest of us).
The first jingle here adds some really lame, clunky lyrics that come off like someone at the ad agency told them they had to add to the jingle, while the second one works far better, getting the basic message across "sooner or later you'll own generals" the funny thing is, it's almost too basic, because there really isn't a actual good reason reason WHY you should own generals. That's probably why the "donuts" are add announcer copy to the spot.
From March 1981, General Tire Jingle Package
Produced by Leo Burnett Ltd
From Tape MCS-35061 (media communication services)
Cut 4-Alternative Full Vocal and Cut 1-Full Vocal each :60 (in that order)
..well, it isn't really lost, it actually is remembered fondly south of the border in the US, it was never here in Canada, but these spots just came north of the border in a box of commericals I bought from a guy in Ohio off Ebay a few years back (and no doubt a lot of them will eventually end up here on the jetsam)
Burger Chef had its humble beginnings much like the Mcdonalds and Burger Kings and Dairy Queens that are still around. Bought by Hardees in 1981, it remained in operation until 1996, and obviously has left a mark on many people, in fact here's a whole WEBSITE dedicated to the franchise. Nostalgia is big on the internet. and just think what history would have been forgotten if blogs like this and website like the burger chef site didn't exist?
OK, so you tube has a 1974 Burger Chef COMMERICAL for your visual delight, but now for a delight for your ears.
Apparently, having fish at a burger joint is a big deal, at least for Burger Chef. Their new "Mariner" Meal radio spots have all the plastic hype you expect from 1977 and the jingle to match. Sometimes I miss the 70's for that reason. Everything is too serious now. Still, let's hear two spots promoting "Fish, at a Burger Place"
From January 1977 (to run 02/77-04/77)
Burger Chef "Mariner-Fish Lovers" # BC 60 2061R
Produced by Ogilvy and Mather, NYC
Dub From Syncrofilm Services NYC
From January 1977 (to run 02/77-04/77)
Burger Chef "Mariner-You Got a Fish Lover" # BC 60 2062R
Produced by Ogilvy and Mather, NYC
Dub From Syncrofilm Services NYC
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Finally, does anyone pay remember the 1970s "King Kong" movie from Paramount? Yeah, that's what I figured. Big budget, big names, and largely a big flop. Details to refresh your memory HERE They might have had big glasses as a promotional tie in with the film at Burger Chef, as the radio spot implies, but they're were probably not that big...but the commerical certainly tries, rather humorously, to be. enjoy!
From April 1977
Burger Chef "King Kong Glasses REV # 2"
Produced by unknown
Car salesman are...well....Sales Weasels. They have to be. They have to convince you to buy a big ticket item, often tens of thousands of dollars. they're livelihood depends on it. Some are sleazier then others, but they all bend the truth to a degree, but as long as you both walk away satisified, what's the problem?
When I heard this jingle, I thought, yeah, I can see 3 salesmen in suits plastic as one would expect doing this off broadway infomerical to get you all hyped up to buy a car. You get so enthralled in it all you're so hyped up, and can see anyone at the end of it all yellling "WHERE DO I SIGN?"
OK, back to reality.....
A fun jingle with some well established industry known talent:
- Canadian Artist/ VO Guy Keith Hampshire, known for his 1970s cover of Cat Stevens "First Cut is the Deepest" and his years of doing VO for McCain's Fries National TV Commericals (if I ever meet the guy, I want to hear him say "tastitaters" in person) he's still singing. is the place to find our more.
-Mike Kirby, a veteran national canadian voice talent, has been the voice for HGTV canada, and various national campaigns (including as of this date, one promoting Burger King's new Steak Burger in canada) also teaches his craft at
-Jayne Eastwood, who does the female intro and extro, because, well, she's female. You KNOW a TV movie destined for the american market is made in Toronto, or in canada in general, when Jayne appears. she's carved a 40 year TV and film acting career and still stayed in her home and native land (which is not an easy thing with the lures of hollywood) I guess she picked up a few extra bucks here. details on her wiki page:
OK, probably too much talk, but even though it's 20 years old (ish) and long time jetsam, it's still fun to listen to.
From 1989, GM Atlantic Dealers "Delivery Boys-Full Sing Version" R-ATD-90-401-60E
Produced by Mccann Erickson Advertising, Ltd
From Panfor Dubbing Tape # 121013
:60 sec full Sing
This is just..well fun! You can really see this happening, that's what gets me. I can't tell you anything more... except it's an actual commerical and not strictly a jingle. If I tell you anything more, it will ruin it.
From 1996, Thrifty Car Rental "Byron" 96-TCR-01:60E
Produced by MJM Media Productions, Hamilton Ont.
:60 sec Commerical